High-Performance Coaching is about developing and optimizing your mind-body integration for best possible outcomes in your personal and professional endeavours — simply put, this process provides targets and tools for maximizing the functionality of the mind-body-spirit relationship and related physiology.

The expertise provided is neuroscience-informed, and built upon decades of experience working with peak performers. High-performance coaching is differentiated by increased accountability, tools, and advanced skills — with a primary focus on optimizing your mindset to perform your very best. Progression is very individualized, and common areas of exploration include:

  • mindset training

  • optimizing neurophysiology and nervous system

  • finding ‘flow’ under pressure

  • pain management, overcoming trauma, correcting movement patterns

  • addressing performance anxiety

  • creating optimal focus & concentration

  • stress and anxiety management

  • developing confidence/self-efficacy

  • performing beyond comfort zones 

The primary aims of this work is to optimize sustainable high-performance, define your vision for the future, and fulfill your purpose!

  • Anyone who is interested and committed! Clients are often peak performers, artistic performers, and high-impact professionals (ie. surgeons, executives and entrepreneurs) etc.

    This work is relevant to everyone!

  • The work begins with an assessment of current needs, applied tools and planned progression for the development of performance optimization and maximizing impact!  

    It usually starts with discovery and awareness of some key basic structures :

    • What’s currently hindering your performance and your results? 

    • What challenges may arise as obstacles to progress? 

    • What is your current mindset, attitude and emotional state?

    Common subjects include:

    • mindset training, creating optimal focus & concentration, stress and anxiety management

    • optimize neurophysiology and nervous system

    • pain management, recovery from injury/accident, overcoming trauma, correcting movement patterns

    • tuning pre-competition nerves and performance anxiety

    • developing confidence/self-efficacy and performing beyond comfort zones 

    Learn to develop skills to optimize performance, and ensure your best is delivered consistently!

Stuart Anderson, MSc. Performance Psych. (Honours), Registered & Chartered Physiotherapist provides a unique and transformative mind-body therapeutic experience for his clients who include: Cirque Du Soleil, The Royal Ballet (London UK), Kings of Leon, Olympic and National Team Athletes, Royal Opera House, BBC, Music BC, Ballet BC, British Rally, Royal College of Surgeons, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), etc..

Stuart offers progressive performance coaching to anyone interested, based on 15+ years of coaching top performers and professionals. Stuart continues to work with professional and elite performers world-wide, and has developed a variety of tools such as Mastery Scripting, Goal-mapping, Stress & Energy Management, Visualization Tools, Creative Leadership and High-Performance Team Development. He offers packages such as High-Performance Pathways™ and Motivation to Mastery™. For more information please submit your query below, or please email: info@performanceclinic.ca


For information regarding High-Performance Coaching, Consulting or Workshops - please drop us a line and we would be happy to chat with you to help determine how we could be of best benefit.